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Welcome to your BOHS account!

Please click on the link above to take you to your new profile or feel free to pick MY PROFILE from the menu bar at the top.

Keep Your Personal Details Up to Date

It is important to keep your personal details up to date in your BOHS account and we encourage you to ensure these details are correct regularly.Now you are logged in please review your contact details to ensure we can keep in contact with you, the most important details we require are:

  • Address (home and work)
  • Email (home and work)
  • Phone / Mobile (home and work)

To update, click on My Profile above

Membership Renewals

Membership renewals for any memberships that will be or have expired in March are in the process of being sent out to members. The first stage is to to confirm you wish to renew your membership here.  Once you have answered yes the membership team will contact you to let you know when you membership renewal is ready for payment.  If you wish to contact the membership team to discuss please email [email protected]  .

BOHS Mentoring Platform

The BOHS mentoring programme is catering for emerging Occupational Hygiene professionals seeking to develop their skills and long-standing BOHS members looking to give back to the profession. It offers participants a platform to develop professional skills and networks and provides benefits for both mentors and mentees. Every active member of BOHS, regardless of their experience can join as a mentor, mentee or both.

Click here to find out more.



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